Tag: South Carolina Low Country

Posted on 9/27/2018

Here's to Never Saying Goodbye to Summer

Labor Day came and went, along with the remnants of Summer 2018! The days are beginning to get dark earlier and school has gone back in session. But on Pawleys Island, we never say goodbye to Summer!Come spend a week or long weekend on Pawleys this fall, where summer never ends. Splash in the cool

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Posted on 6/27/2018

Every Summer Has a Story, Let Yours Start on Pawleys Island

It is summertime on Pawleys Island and we couldn't be happier! The ocean is inviting and waving a warm welcome to all who visit our coast. All down the beach you'll see colorful tents and umbrellas marking a shady solace from the suns unwavering rays. The early mornings on the island are quiet,

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Posted on 8/4/2017

Experience the Total Solar Eclipse at Pawleys!

The Eclipse: The Sight of a Lifetime at Pawleys Island!On Monday, August 21st, a Total Solar Eclipse will darken the skies across the United States. From Oregon to South Carolina, the eclipse will stretch about 70 miles wide.Pawleys Island is one of the top spots to view the eclipse. The island is

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