Posted on 10/7/2017

Hurricane Season Update

  As you may know, we kicked off the 2017 Hurricane Season with a bang. While we were thankful to have missed the majority of Irma's wrath, we send prayers to those who were in her direct path.Pawleys Island experienced a high storm surge, heavy winds and lots of rain from Hurricane Irma. Unfortunately, erosion is prevalent in areas along the beach front. The Town has been very proactive in restoration efforts by hiring bulldozers to push the sand toward the dune line to recreate, stabilize and re-nourish the dunes. The bulldozers will work during low tide and begin at the South end working their way up to the pier. The South End parking lot of Pawleys Island will be closed until further notice. Please be aware that crews will be out on the beach until the beginning of November working to restore the dunes during low tides as permitted.We are thankful for the town hall police force, staff, administrators, generous volunteers, wonderful homeowners and all others that have contributed to both the preparation for Hurricane Irma and the restoration efforts after.  
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