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Footprints on the Beach
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Pawleys Island Vacation Rentals

The Tradition of Generations since 1962.

As one of the oldest beach vacation destinations on the East Coast, Pawleys Island provides a commercial free, four and half mile island experience that is the perfect place to create memories for a lifetime. With over 63 years in business, Pawleys Island Realty offers a highly experienced staff that treats you like family. With over 200 rental properties, including: Oceanfront, Creekfront and everything in between, your options are unlimited. We even offer dog friendly vacation rentals to accommodate your furry companions. Though we do love cats too, unfortunately, our rental properties do not allow cats. 

Come join us and start your own "Tradition of Generations" and experience just what the Lowcountry has to offer.

Hear what some

of our guests are saying

My first trip to Pawleys was at the age of 9, the summer after 3rd grade. I have spent time on the island nearly every year since and now I am 54years old. Pawleys Island is one of the most important places in my life. In a very real sense, it is my heart's truest home this side of heaven.


As a child, my family searched for sharks' teeth at the north end every year. As a teenager, I spent a bunch of time at the pier and kissed a few cute boys. As a young mom, building drip castles, crabbing in the creek, and taking turns at the beach while the littles napped. As a middle aged not yet grandmother, rocking on a porch and connecting with friends and always walking, especially in the off-season, when I might see only one or two other souls on the beach.


One of my favorite memories would have been in the summer of 1984, learning how to shag to the music of the Swinging Medallions at Club 17. Oh, and how could I forget the moonlight skinny dipping along with being with family, both biological and chosen. I remember the terrifying beauty of tropical storm, Dennis in 1983, the New Years nor'easter 1987 and watched the house literally crack in two just after Hugo in 1989.


Truly my favorite house to rent was Liberty Lodge. We spent many family vacays there and even as many with friends. My last time at Liberty Lodge was in November of 2022. I fell the first day and fractured my right foot in several places. Spent the entire two weeks on the most beloved porch. I am grateful for the injury as it forced me to be still. I will miss Liberty Lodge very much.


I have rented with Pawleys Island Realty for many years. When Liberty Lodge changed over to Pawleys Island Realty, I went with it and have rented from PIR ever since. I believe if nothings broken stay with what works and PIR works for me.

Abby Blackmon

I have been coming to Pawleys Island 96 years this July. I have spent 70 birthdays at Pawleys and look forward to a few more. Being a coach's wife for almost 70 years, we would hop in the car the last day of school as soon as the school bell rang. We would drive to Susie Ward's yellow shack to get a house for a few days. After about 3 years, we settled into DSpot when it was about $200 per week. DSpot is our favorite house because of its location, creek in the back and ocean in the front.


We have enjoyed making new friends. I am the last one standing of the original group of 6 couples that use to gather together at Pawleys. However, there are some dear ones we have continued to see over the past 50 years. One memory that stands out is the full moonlight cruises we took on the creek in the little fishing boat. Many years ago, Cally, my late husband, would join the flounder gigging crew in the creek late at night. Needless to say, we ate good because there were plenty of fish back then. Of course, you can't go without saying we had several times in the old DSpot that we felt like the Gray Man was near. Doors slamming unexpectedly and lightening coming through the bathtub. We never go a summer without telling a ghost story or two to my great grands now.


There have been many traditions throughout the years. The most important one is the 4 generations of family gather each year in July for two weeks. We celebrate 3 different July birthdays during the two weeks. Throughout the years, we have enjoyed catching and eating fresh crabs and flounder. The creek was Cally's domain. The ladies and children enjoyed the beach. After dinner, we relaxed on the dock or played cards and games.


We started renting with Pawleys Island Realty as we had friends that had houses listed with them. We have always been satisfied with PIR. They come when you need them no questions asked.

Joy Gualt

My family has been coming to Pawleys Island since 1961 and since then I have not missed a single summer. To my best guess, we have been renting from Pawleys Island Realty due to the Altman family and how they always treated us.


Our family traditions seem to change from year to year, but we always enjoy the beach, surfing, and bicycling every year. Bicycling has always been a refreshing and relaxing time. We love going from end-to-end on the island and seeing all the changes from year to year. One of our favorite foods when we are on the island is shrimp & grits. We always watch for the shrimp man at the main intersection on the North Causeway.


We have so many found memories of Pawleys Island. From going to the arcade at Kings Funland near second street, attending the Pawleys Pavillion, and Pawleys Chapel, as well as crabbing, fishing and bocce ball. Now with our children, we bring our Jon boat to go water skiing, tubing and navigating the marsh. We just feel that Pawleys is our 'home away from home' and find an inner peace when we arrive each year.


We love staying at the "Forrester" which is now known as "Eavesdrop". Through the years we learned to know all the neighbor and made some very special memories at the home. More important though our children are grown, they still talk about the bunk room every returning year.


For all of the reasons and memories we have shared above, we love being part of the Pawleys Island Realty family.

Bob & Annie Smalley